A list of supplements and natural remedies for a healthy body
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
The uses of apple cider vinegar are endless. dilute with water to use as a facial toner or add a couple of tablespoons of ACV to your water every day to help with digestion and gut health.
2. Ginger
Use ginger root to make your own fresh tea at home to treat an upset stomach or symptoms of the seasonal flu.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric is a beloved superfood because of its ability to increase antioxidants in the body. Boil Turmeric root to create your own fresh tea and reap the benefits of its immune-boosting qualities. Also helps with headaches and fatigue.
4. Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil helps support hormonal balance and has been found to be effective at reducing menstrual cramping, bloat, water retention, breast tenderness, and irritability due to hormonal shifts during a women's cycle.
5. Maca Root
High in protein and vitamins B1, C, and E. Maca root is a great natural supplement to add to your workout regimen when looking for supplements. When consistent Maca Root can aid in weight gain and help relieve fatigue and reenergize the body.
6. Vitamin D
Great for the winter months when we're not exposed to as much natural sunlight, adding vitamin D to your regimen helps with seasonal depression and supports immune and bone health.
7. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential in maintaining a healthy immune system. Taking a dose of vitamin C every day or eating foods high in vitamin C can help strengthen your immune system and help lessen the symptoms of things like the common cold and the seasonal flu.
8. Probiotic
Probiotics are great in improving gut health but are also known to be very beneficial for women in helping regulate a normal ph balance. Adding a daily probiotic has also been known to help with improving your overall mood and mental health.
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